Before we begin, I think it would wise to ask what is “One World Peace”?

  1. A world with kindness and without judgment.

  2. A world with communities who create and cross pollinate ideas with other countries Citizens.

  3. A world with rivers that flow unhindered by dams and the sludge that accumulates. Where Dolphins can live and not go extinct.

  4. A world where no Nation says “My nation first” Where all citizens say let me help our neighbor.

  5. As Human beings we live in space together. And explore the Universe. We share and expand on ideas through academia and publishing in magazines, like nature magazine.

War leaves misery and a path of destruction. Land, homes, fields of the best wheat in the world. Laid to waste. Progress moved 20 years backwards. In regards to sustainable renewable energy. Graphite Production in Eastern Ukraine. Valuable research towards new energy sources is being done at St. Petersburg University. Using Terrahertz Radiation.

In a research paper published. The Russian scientists writes of a endless power supply.

The disordered graphene combined with a terahertz lattice from Tscuba University in Japan.

. Produced continual heat. Let’s remember again Graphene. It’s found near Magnetic Anomalies.

Through true acts of kindness Made towards our planet. And it’s human, animal and plants. Through listening to an elderly person tell a story. Or helping and caring about a stranger.

In 2023, $250 Billion USD was spent on Business Management Consultancy. These are 20,000 of the brightest and the best minds. That graduate the top Design schools and Graduate Business programs.

If even 100 of them join this movement.

We can completely transform our mindset towards an alternative to violence and retribution.